yesterday was certainly a very eventful day for me. Got to campus to arrange my interview time and it was really easy to do it since my managerial comm tutor is a very nice person. Then i went down to meet my other lecturer in hope of getting a little help in regards to my assignment. How unfortunate i was, since i had to wait for at least 20 minutes outside her room and then to be denied all necessary information needed to do my assignment. She was busy gossiping and just told me to come over another day, her excuse "im having a meeting rite now, so if can, you see me on monday". I ain't deaf, i can so clearly hear the sound of your voice laughing and all and it seriously wouldn't have done any harm if you were to just help me out.
I decided to go back home after that, got back home took my shower and went for my hockey match. It was a relatively easy match but luck was just not on my side. First my own team-mate didn't see me running across and hit the ball straight into my leg, then at the very last minute of the match the ball hit me right on my head. I was a bit lucky, cause it could have certainly hit my eye which would have been a very terrible thing, considering the speed of the ball itself.
Nevertheless, i just moved my head a bit and had a pack of ice for about 10 minutes and i was good to go again. So me being me, i decided to start drinking and the drinks then continued all the way to 4 in the morning. My head didn't hurt much during that time, probably the alcohol did a very good job in keeping away the pain. Today though, it a whole new story and my head hurts like a lot, and i cant really move my mouth much since all the muscles around my head hurts so i have not eaten anything until now.
Hungry and a bruised head= makes me moody
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Name fucking Wee
Namewee your just another motherfucking dumb ass idiot aren't you. Making a video of you shouting your heart out at TNB doesn't by anyway make you any macho or anything. You call yourself a song composer an artist for the mater of fact, but you fail to take preventive measures knowing that the power supply has not been too kind on you. Get an additional power supply thingy, they have so many of them in the market, and if you consider yourself as a professional you should have known that.
I do feel sorry for you, for your so called lost of inspiration that you had due to the power failure, but then again that is pretty normal. Live with it and carry on with your life. Since you are ridiculously creative with your very popular negarakuku song, i don't think there is any problem for you to find another ridiculous idea of yours.
Your bro i do feel pity for him, since he was about to have his exams the following day, but you are a fucking retard aren't you??? fucking get a candle or something. Everybody somewhere sometime in their life had done that, whats wrong if you do that....Im not in anyway supporting TNB, they should have answered the phone and they probably should have had a better explanation for the power failure, but how many times have you thanked them, that due to them supplying power, you were able to compose your songs???? you didn't!!! and when you got a power disruption for the third time of the year!!!, you go out and get all angry, video the people who work there and embarrass them??? whats your motive??? trying to get back your popularity?? probably malaysia was already forgetting about you....
Look your just another idiot who probably didn't pass his pendidikan moral in school or something. Im no saint but what you did was wrong and your even a bigger dumbass by uploading it to youtube.
I do feel sorry for you, for your so called lost of inspiration that you had due to the power failure, but then again that is pretty normal. Live with it and carry on with your life. Since you are ridiculously creative with your very popular negarakuku song, i don't think there is any problem for you to find another ridiculous idea of yours.
Your bro i do feel pity for him, since he was about to have his exams the following day, but you are a fucking retard aren't you??? fucking get a candle or something. Everybody somewhere sometime in their life had done that, whats wrong if you do that....Im not in anyway supporting TNB, they should have answered the phone and they probably should have had a better explanation for the power failure, but how many times have you thanked them, that due to them supplying power, you were able to compose your songs???? you didn't!!! and when you got a power disruption for the third time of the year!!!, you go out and get all angry, video the people who work there and embarrass them??? whats your motive??? trying to get back your popularity?? probably malaysia was already forgetting about you....
Look your just another idiot who probably didn't pass his pendidikan moral in school or something. Im no saint but what you did was wrong and your even a bigger dumbass by uploading it to youtube.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My new Sem
ok the new sem has started again. 4 subjects for this sem, internal auditing, management communication, profesional ethics and accounting theory. My time table is really pathetatic, i have a whole lot of classes on friday which i really hate. Apart from that everyother day seems to be a busy day, only thursday is a lil nice to me. I got back to cyber on sunday night itself, and i went for my first class on monday, which to be honest was ridiciliously boring. Its a subject called accounting theory and from the name of itself, it already sounds boring.
To make matters worse, the lecture herself is another dreeded boring person. Well she has a lot of knowledge, salute her for that, but camon we are there to study accounting theory and for god sake it has nothing to do with biology, history, physics, religion, and i really couldnt remember some of the other things that she was talking about. Half of the class which includes me, were walking in and out as if its more like a restaurant or something, rather than a class itself. And yes cyber was extremelly hot on monday, the heat itself was a turn off and listening to her talk was the limit. Well i know i shouldnt cricitze her that much, i hope next week is much better.
To make matters worse, the lecture herself is another dreeded boring person. Well she has a lot of knowledge, salute her for that, but camon we are there to study accounting theory and for god sake it has nothing to do with biology, history, physics, religion, and i really couldnt remember some of the other things that she was talking about. Half of the class which includes me, were walking in and out as if its more like a restaurant or something, rather than a class itself. And yes cyber was extremelly hot on monday, the heat itself was a turn off and listening to her talk was the limit. Well i know i shouldnt cricitze her that much, i hope next week is much better.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
oh holidays
so my holidays has so far been really boring. First i got sick really then i recovered and still had nothing much to do. Comparing it with the last one that i had, this is a sad sad situation. MaYbe it will get better soon, but i guess my mates should be around for that and those fucking assholes are way too busy working their ass off. Apart from that what happen to the recently planned invasion of malaysia by those bamboo carrying indonesian's? well i was actually really loooking forward to that, wonder what can bamboo racking people really do, and the sheer number of it itself, 1600 it must be terribly terrifying to any army in the world?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
well my exams have so far been terrifyingly hard, and utter disappointing. Bloody tax was ridiculously hard, alright maybe im exaggerating a bit but then again it was hard. Point to note=study earlier, do constant studies. That's the words that are thrown to me by my A.A, and i probably should have listen to her. Apart from that sleep is hard to come by these days, been sleeping like for only 4 hours a day. Tired i am, but sleepy i am not. Cant really wait for this exams to finish, been wondering where should i go??? any suggestion and packages, and off course free holiday tours are certainly welcomed. Thank you
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Losing a lil battle
Everyone has throughout their life lost some battles.Some have lost matches, football or hockey or badminton or watever it is, some have lost fights, some have lost their loved one's. Losing is a word that is hard to come by, since one is so use to winning, losing is sad, its depressing at times, but one needs to remember that losing is part of the process. Be patient when you lose,think why did you lose, and you might just learn something from it.
Sometimes you need to lose a lil more,and learn a bit from it. It doesn't really matter if you lose, what makes you stronger is to come back from it, and win it there after. Losing gives you courage, courage to fight again, its a word that is hard to come by because its not really associated with losing but then again courage is as often the outcome of despair as of hope, in the one case we have nothing to lose, in the other, everything to gain.
You can only lose if you have something to lose, a man who has nothing to lose is a sad man, having nothing, nothing he can lose. A man can lose but a man should never surrender, you lose, keep your head high, cause you gave your best, but somehow someway somewhere you werent good enough. Keep fighting till the very end, and if you still lose then you can be proud of it yourself. I was asked how does it feel to lose, and here is my answer to it.....
Sometimes you need to lose a lil more,and learn a bit from it. It doesn't really matter if you lose, what makes you stronger is to come back from it, and win it there after. Losing gives you courage, courage to fight again, its a word that is hard to come by because its not really associated with losing but then again courage is as often the outcome of despair as of hope, in the one case we have nothing to lose, in the other, everything to gain.
You can only lose if you have something to lose, a man who has nothing to lose is a sad man, having nothing, nothing he can lose. A man can lose but a man should never surrender, you lose, keep your head high, cause you gave your best, but somehow someway somewhere you werent good enough. Keep fighting till the very end, and if you still lose then you can be proud of it yourself. I was asked how does it feel to lose, and here is my answer to it.....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Assignments, assignmnets and a lil more assignments
i woke up in the morning with only a single thought in mind, and that is to finish of my bloody assignments. I have 3 assignments that are due this week. BDS which was today, on wednesday its tax 2 and followed by adv auditing on thursday. A last minute person i am, and i have to admit its not the best of things in the world. I must admit though, i should have planned it earlier. Nevertheless with BDS all finish, im really looking forward to finishing the other two.Im quite confident with my abilities to complete the assignments on time, this is not like the first time im doing it during the very last minute. So hopefully by thursday im done with all of it and i can enjoy my weekend, have fun, and then off course study for my finals
Thursday, September 3, 2009
52 years and counting
52 years have gone by, and Malaysia has grown from strenght to strengh
i wouldnt deny that we had our fare share of problems
to say we are perfect is just being plain stupid and denying the simple facts,
but in the end, nothing is ever perfect, you have to make it perfect,
im proud of my country
although i must be honest certain issues and things really dissapoint me alot
nevertheless this is my home, and there is no other place like malaysia
but malaysia was not born without a struggle
the sacrifices made by both politicians and soldiers deserve great recognition,
there were days that we were unsafe, our fathers and grandfathers had their fare share of problem with the communist, we have our problems with mat rempit and snatch thef to name a few.
im a lil dissapointed though, see i watching a documentary about CPM and how was the situation back then in the 50's and 60's. Im dissapointed that although the government has not allowed certain high ranking CPM members to come back here, there are some that has been allowed to do so. See they were terrorist and they dont deserve to be a part of us. It doesnt matter if its one person or a thousand CPM members, in the end their coming back and staying here is a disrespectful act, a humiliation to the soldiers who have lost their life', mothers who have lost their sons, wife's who have been widowed. All this happening is like granting the person a new lease of life at the expense of other more deserving people.
This should have never have happen, sorry to say it did. Hopefully it never happens again. Leaving behing the issue of CPM, i hope malaysia will be a safer place to stay and for once we can get rid of mat rempits and snatch theft. I do hope that one day everyone, no matter what race you are, no matter where you are from, kampung or the city, no matter what is your skin colour, we will all be the same. To all malaysians happy independence day guys. I know its a little late but it doesnt really matter doesnt it? It should never be late to love your country
i wouldnt deny that we had our fare share of problems
to say we are perfect is just being plain stupid and denying the simple facts,
but in the end, nothing is ever perfect, you have to make it perfect,
im proud of my country
although i must be honest certain issues and things really dissapoint me alot
nevertheless this is my home, and there is no other place like malaysia
but malaysia was not born without a struggle
the sacrifices made by both politicians and soldiers deserve great recognition,
there were days that we were unsafe, our fathers and grandfathers had their fare share of problem with the communist, we have our problems with mat rempit and snatch thef to name a few.
im a lil dissapointed though, see i watching a documentary about CPM and how was the situation back then in the 50's and 60's. Im dissapointed that although the government has not allowed certain high ranking CPM members to come back here, there are some that has been allowed to do so. See they were terrorist and they dont deserve to be a part of us. It doesnt matter if its one person or a thousand CPM members, in the end their coming back and staying here is a disrespectful act, a humiliation to the soldiers who have lost their life', mothers who have lost their sons, wife's who have been widowed. All this happening is like granting the person a new lease of life at the expense of other more deserving people.
This should have never have happen, sorry to say it did. Hopefully it never happens again. Leaving behing the issue of CPM, i hope malaysia will be a safer place to stay and for once we can get rid of mat rempits and snatch theft. I do hope that one day everyone, no matter what race you are, no matter where you are from, kampung or the city, no matter what is your skin colour, we will all be the same. To all malaysians happy independence day guys. I know its a little late but it doesnt really matter doesnt it? It should never be late to love your country
Sunday, August 30, 2009
dear mr CA
i know your a complicated group of numbers
but why do you need to be so complicated
be nice to me man!!!!
im trying very hard not to tear you apart
every single day when i look at you, i hope you will be a lil nice to me
but you never do that
and of course that upsets me a lot,
see you must be nice to me,
ill be nice to you ,
together we will make a perfect partnership
i dont really mind that i dont get you much
im trying to get you,
trying to understand you,
hope you will be a lil kind wit me on that
come wednesday, make sure you be nice to me
dont do a Mr Tax thingy, that guy doesnt understand what we are made of
so make sure you be nice wit me,
i hope you do so
inder was having a hangover when he was writing this
i know your a complicated group of numbers
but why do you need to be so complicated
be nice to me man!!!!
im trying very hard not to tear you apart
every single day when i look at you, i hope you will be a lil nice to me
but you never do that
and of course that upsets me a lot,
see you must be nice to me,
ill be nice to you ,
together we will make a perfect partnership
i dont really mind that i dont get you much
im trying to get you,
trying to understand you,
hope you will be a lil kind wit me on that
come wednesday, make sure you be nice to me
dont do a Mr Tax thingy, that guy doesnt understand what we are made of
so make sure you be nice wit me,
i hope you do so
inder was having a hangover when he was writing this
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dear Mr Samy
Poor Samy Vellu...
Since when he has become the butt of every body's jokes?
Since time immemorial..
Samy Vellu on the speed of Pos Laju's delivery system :-
At a TV interview, when trying to say he was ashamed, he said:
`Kemaluan saya besar'
Samy said in a ceramah:
"Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orang-orang kampong disini."
One pakcik said, "Datuk, sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan?"
and Samy gloriously replied,
"Kalau takde sungai, kita bina sungai!"
Samy's favorite quote on national television:
"Toll naik sikit, manyak marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll saya punya bapa punya kah!"
During the water crisis:
"semua orang diminta jangan membuang aiyerr..!"
Regarding social problems:
"..orang2 muda sekarang banyak hisap dada.."ohhh that sounds interesting. Haha
At a blood donation campaign in Sungei Siput:
"...marilah kita semua menderma dara.."
During the height of the Al-Arqam saga, he said in a press conference,
"Saya gembira bahawa didapati tiada pemuda MIC terlibat dalam kes Arqam.."
At an opening ceremony:
"Tuan tuan dan puan puan, saudara mara, sesudah semua orang makan kenyang, sekarang kita mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik ke pentas untuk membuka kain"
Commenting about his modesty:
"sebenarnya, kemaluan saya sangat-sangat besar"
And the best: u know why our N-S Highway concessionaire is named PLUS.
PLUS Highway = Pungut Lebih Untuk Samy
"saya berasa bangga dapat melihat pusat-pusat jururawat yang cantik-cantik.".upon opening ceremony for nursing training center
"Saya tidak setuju dan menentang sekeras2nya tuduhan PAS memanggil kami kapir ..."
Ucapan Samy Vellu sempena kepulangan angsakawan Dr. Sheikh Mudzafar,
"Kita rasa bersyukur kerana angkawasan kita yang telah MENINGGAL DUNIA selama 10 hari telah selamat DIKEBUMI."
Samy Vellu and his Stamps
When Samy Vellu completed 25 years of his role as a politician over M'sia, he wanted a special postage stamp issued, with his picture on it. He insisted the stamp to be of international quality. When the stamps were duly released, he began hearing complaints that the stamp was not sticking properly, and become furious. He called the chief of the Secret Service and ordered him to investigate the matter. The chief checked the matter out at several post offices, and then reported on the problem to Samy Vellu.
He said: "Sir, the stamp is really of international quality. The problem is, our citizens are spitting on the wrong side!"
Sammy Vellu and his old boss, Mahathir
General Musharaf, Samy Vellu, Mahathir and Gloria Arroyo are sitting in a train. The train suddenly goes thru a tunnel and it gets completely dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap! The train comes out of the tunnel. Arroyo and Musharraf are sitting there looking perplexed. Samy Vellu is bent over holding his face, which is red from an apparent slap. All of them remain diplomatic and nobody says anything.
Musharraf is thinking: "These Malaysians are all crazy after Arroyo. Samy must have tried to kiss her in the tunnel. Very proper that she slapped him."
Arroyo is thinking: "Samy must have moved to kiss me, and kissed Musharraf instead and got slapped."
Samy is thinking: "Damn it, Musharaf must have tried to kiss Arroyo, she thought it was me and slapped me."
Mahathir is simply thinking: "If this train goes through another tunnel, I could make another kissing sound and slap Samy again."
-------samy vellu and space exploration
Mr Samy Vellu went for the United Nations' meeting. He represented the Malaysian Prime Minister. All nations were
discussing about space exploration by the year 2008.
Here are some of the conversations:
China Delegate : "By the year 2008, China will start their moon exploration project."
Russian Delegate : "We too, we are going to explore the moon. This time we will see to it that our cosmonauts will step on the moon."
George Bush & Clinton : "We the United States will also explore the moon for the second time."
Malaysian Delegate : "By the year 2008, Malaysia will explore the sun."
There was a long silence. Bush stood up and asked the Malaysian delegate
"Isn't it too hot to explore the sun?"
Samy Vellu (after a long silence) : "We will do it in the
-------------------- version 2
Siri lain
Samy Vellu ditemuramah tentang program angkasawan negara.
Lagi-lagi Samy
Samy: "…Bagi saya, ini semua adalah satu pembaziran atas duit rakyat.
Kita sepatutnya tidak hantar mereka ke bulan, tapi hantar mereka pergi
matahari. Barulah USA, Russia, respect sama kita…."
Penemuramah: Tapi Dato' Seri, matahari kan panas. Macam mana mau pergi
sana ?
Samy: Cit! itu pasal la u tara jadi mintri. Saya suda lebey 30 tahun
jadi mintri, saya musti ada jalan penyelesaian. Kita jangan pergi siang,
manyak panas. kita pigi malam, baru ada sujuuuuuk……
samy vellu and sign Language
Samy Vellu was visiting India when he fell and broke his jaw
and was unable to speak. Being the great leader that he was,
he continued his grand tour.
On the last week of his visit, the RTM crew was present for
his press conference. Although unable to speak, Samy insisted
sending a message home to his Cabinet colleagues.
Samy caught a chicken and showed it to camera. He next took
a goat, and showed it to the camera. Finally he took a bag
and displayed in front of the camera.
Dr Ling was the first to see the video clips. He said, "Samy
is telling us that India has insufficient food because he
showed us chicken and goat, and he wants Malaysia to donate
bags of rice."
The senator watched silently then said, "No lah!...what Samy
trying to say is HE IS COMING BACK!!!"
The whole Cabinet was puzzled and look to the man for
an explanation.
The Senator reasoned, "AYAM KAMBING BAG!!!"
("I am coming back!!!" in Indian accent)
Since when he has become the butt of every body's jokes?
Since time immemorial..
Samy Vellu on the speed of Pos Laju's delivery system :-
At a TV interview, when trying to say he was ashamed, he said:
`Kemaluan saya besar'
Samy said in a ceramah:
"Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orang-orang kampong disini."
One pakcik said, "Datuk, sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan?"
and Samy gloriously replied,
"Kalau takde sungai, kita bina sungai!"
Samy's favorite quote on national television:
"Toll naik sikit, manyak marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll saya punya bapa punya kah!"
During the water crisis:
"semua orang diminta jangan membuang aiyerr..!"
Regarding social problems:
"..orang2 muda sekarang banyak hisap dada.."ohhh that sounds interesting. Haha
At a blood donation campaign in Sungei Siput:
"...marilah kita semua menderma dara.."
During the height of the Al-Arqam saga, he said in a press conference,
"Saya gembira bahawa didapati tiada pemuda MIC terlibat dalam kes Arqam.."
At an opening ceremony:
"Tuan tuan dan puan puan, saudara mara, sesudah semua orang makan kenyang, sekarang kita mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik ke pentas untuk membuka kain"
Commenting about his modesty:
"sebenarnya, kemaluan saya sangat-sangat besar"
And the best: u know why our N-S Highway concessionaire is named PLUS.
PLUS Highway = Pungut Lebih Untuk Samy
"saya berasa bangga dapat melihat pusat-pusat jururawat yang cantik-cantik.".upon opening ceremony for nursing training center
"Saya tidak setuju dan menentang sekeras2nya tuduhan PAS memanggil kami kapir ..."
Ucapan Samy Vellu sempena kepulangan angsakawan Dr. Sheikh Mudzafar,
"Kita rasa bersyukur kerana angkawasan kita yang telah MENINGGAL DUNIA selama 10 hari telah selamat DIKEBUMI."
Samy Vellu and his Stamps
When Samy Vellu completed 25 years of his role as a politician over M'sia, he wanted a special postage stamp issued, with his picture on it. He insisted the stamp to be of international quality. When the stamps were duly released, he began hearing complaints that the stamp was not sticking properly, and become furious. He called the chief of the Secret Service and ordered him to investigate the matter. The chief checked the matter out at several post offices, and then reported on the problem to Samy Vellu.
He said: "Sir, the stamp is really of international quality. The problem is, our citizens are spitting on the wrong side!"
Sammy Vellu and his old boss, Mahathir
General Musharaf, Samy Vellu, Mahathir and Gloria Arroyo are sitting in a train. The train suddenly goes thru a tunnel and it gets completely dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap! The train comes out of the tunnel. Arroyo and Musharraf are sitting there looking perplexed. Samy Vellu is bent over holding his face, which is red from an apparent slap. All of them remain diplomatic and nobody says anything.
Musharraf is thinking: "These Malaysians are all crazy after Arroyo. Samy must have tried to kiss her in the tunnel. Very proper that she slapped him."
Arroyo is thinking: "Samy must have moved to kiss me, and kissed Musharraf instead and got slapped."
Samy is thinking: "Damn it, Musharaf must have tried to kiss Arroyo, she thought it was me and slapped me."
Mahathir is simply thinking: "If this train goes through another tunnel, I could make another kissing sound and slap Samy again."
-------samy vellu and space exploration
Mr Samy Vellu went for the United Nations' meeting. He represented the Malaysian Prime Minister. All nations were
discussing about space exploration by the year 2008.
Here are some of the conversations:
China Delegate : "By the year 2008, China will start their moon exploration project."
Russian Delegate : "We too, we are going to explore the moon. This time we will see to it that our cosmonauts will step on the moon."
George Bush & Clinton : "We the United States will also explore the moon for the second time."
Malaysian Delegate : "By the year 2008, Malaysia will explore the sun."
There was a long silence. Bush stood up and asked the Malaysian delegate
"Isn't it too hot to explore the sun?"
Samy Vellu (after a long silence) : "We will do it in the
-------------------- version 2
Siri lain
Samy Vellu ditemuramah tentang program angkasawan negara.
Lagi-lagi Samy
Samy: "…Bagi saya, ini semua adalah satu pembaziran atas duit rakyat.
Kita sepatutnya tidak hantar mereka ke bulan, tapi hantar mereka pergi
matahari. Barulah USA, Russia, respect sama kita…."
Penemuramah: Tapi Dato' Seri, matahari kan panas. Macam mana mau pergi
sana ?
Samy: Cit! itu pasal la u tara jadi mintri. Saya suda lebey 30 tahun
jadi mintri, saya musti ada jalan penyelesaian. Kita jangan pergi siang,
manyak panas. kita pigi malam, baru ada sujuuuuuk……
samy vellu and sign Language
Samy Vellu was visiting India when he fell and broke his jaw
and was unable to speak. Being the great leader that he was,
he continued his grand tour.
On the last week of his visit, the RTM crew was present for
his press conference. Although unable to speak, Samy insisted
sending a message home to his Cabinet colleagues.
Samy caught a chicken and showed it to camera. He next took
a goat, and showed it to the camera. Finally he took a bag
and displayed in front of the camera.
Dr Ling was the first to see the video clips. He said, "Samy
is telling us that India has insufficient food because he
showed us chicken and goat, and he wants Malaysia to donate
bags of rice."
The senator watched silently then said, "No lah!...what Samy
trying to say is HE IS COMING BACK!!!"
The whole Cabinet was puzzled and look to the man for
an explanation.
The Senator reasoned, "AYAM KAMBING BAG!!!"
("I am coming back!!!" in Indian accent)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Its been sometime since i wrote something, somehow someway im lost with my words. Guess im gonna start off with my holidays. I had a really good holiday, had whole lot of drinks, spent more time outside rather than at home, met the craziest girl in my whole life....n bla bla bla. So like i said it was really good, and apart from alcohol and other interesting stuff, meeting someone new was really good. You never know what to expect but at the same time you hope that it will not be awkward, but i guess it never was. The person was extremely bubbly and interesting as well.
Enough said bout that, im gonna talk bout paintball. Ya we finally wen for paintball after a long period of discussion. It was seriously a whole lot of fun. Going with your best friends and laughing your ass off that's what matters most. In the end though, i did miss something that i really wanted to go for. To that person I'm really sorry. I know sorry is never enough and ill make it up to you the next time, i promise. Getting back to paintball again, i really enjoyed myself.
Shooting at the likes of simren, jasuh, navin, solo (fucking scared indian asshole), gulshen and jasdeep was certainly a whole lot good. I did get shot though, it was not like i was god or something. Got hit on my arm which really hurts and took another hit on my chest. Anyway I played for fat man, which was basically for the extreme fat people we have like ballllraaj n bobby. Decided to join them to even up numbers with thin man, and guess what ? we fucking kicked their fucking ass back to barren land. We won 5 fucking nil, and we had a player less 6 on 5, can you beat that shit.
Our superior military thinking and tactics has definitely payed off and it certainly didn't help cause thin man had dick heads like solo and gulshen who didn't know what the fuck they were doing there. In the end we had a lot of fun playing and talking about it. I'm really looking forward to it again. Thin man bring it on bitches
Enough said bout that, im gonna talk bout paintball. Ya we finally wen for paintball after a long period of discussion. It was seriously a whole lot of fun. Going with your best friends and laughing your ass off that's what matters most. In the end though, i did miss something that i really wanted to go for. To that person I'm really sorry. I know sorry is never enough and ill make it up to you the next time, i promise. Getting back to paintball again, i really enjoyed myself.
Shooting at the likes of simren, jasuh, navin, solo (fucking scared indian asshole), gulshen and jasdeep was certainly a whole lot good. I did get shot though, it was not like i was god or something. Got hit on my arm which really hurts and took another hit on my chest. Anyway I played for fat man, which was basically for the extreme fat people we have like ballllraaj n bobby. Decided to join them to even up numbers with thin man, and guess what ? we fucking kicked their fucking ass back to barren land. We won 5 fucking nil, and we had a player less 6 on 5, can you beat that shit.
Our superior military thinking and tactics has definitely payed off and it certainly didn't help cause thin man had dick heads like solo and gulshen who didn't know what the fuck they were doing there. In the end we had a lot of fun playing and talking about it. I'm really looking forward to it again. Thin man bring it on bitches
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Movies and Movies
Hie sorry guys for the late update, there has been really nothing much to write about, anyway i have been watching some movies recently. The truth is there are not many movies out there which are good. I'm a big fan of transformers but the latest one just doesn't make the cut for me. First of all the story was way too long, almost 3 freaking hours that's like watching a hindi movie except it doesn't have any dancing and singing. Next is what i call the shitty part, i know most of you wouldn't agree with me on this, but then again this is my blog so im gonna say it anyway. The movie had just one too many action, it was way overdone, way too much of fighting, well it certainly has got his followers on that but i just think it was a bit too much.
But its not all dull and gloomy in Hollywood, there is Public Enemy. What a movie it was, one of the best movies i have ever seen. Some parts of the movie was relatively slow, but i really didn't care. Johnny Depp was excellent, his acting was brilliant and his walk would have shaken the whole world back then. Well its a true story and i have always been a fan of that. I would really suggest people out there who have not watch this movie yet, go watch it, its certainly worth every single ringgit and for the gals you can dream about johnny depp in the night.
But its not all dull and gloomy in Hollywood, there is Public Enemy. What a movie it was, one of the best movies i have ever seen. Some parts of the movie was relatively slow, but i really didn't care. Johnny Depp was excellent, his acting was brilliant and his walk would have shaken the whole world back then. Well its a true story and i have always been a fan of that. I would really suggest people out there who have not watch this movie yet, go watch it, its certainly worth every single ringgit and for the gals you can dream about johnny depp in the night.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Camon Proton
one of the best rally drivers is in our own backyard
but you probably have a problem with your eyes,
or you refuse to see his achievement,
refuse to recognise that he is good in what he does
you go around the world promoting your very new and very powerful rally car
no doubt bout the speed and its performance
as far as i read, its really good
thumbs up to you and your team, for coming up with a brilliant car
there has been rumours going on that you wish to compete in WRC
quite flattering and interesting since you will be coming up with the big guns of rally championship
but who will be your driver????
will it be a foreigner or our very own
an interesting question rite ???
since we do have one of the best drivers in the world
he won the world rally championship
then he left due to lack of funds and sponsorship
now your in a better financial state than you were a year back
why dont you give this very talented driver a chance
employing a foreigner is undermining our very own capabilities
this guy deserves all respect because what he has done is beyond others
camon what's wrong with you??? you should be thinking much better
Petter Solberg for you? His good, but, camon give our own a chance mate....
if you might have just forgotten who he is then let me refresh your not so good memory
see you have a problem, you want him, you think you want, you dont want him......
but you probably have a problem with your eyes,
or you refuse to see his achievement,
refuse to recognise that he is good in what he does
you go around the world promoting your very new and very powerful rally car
no doubt bout the speed and its performance
as far as i read, its really good
thumbs up to you and your team, for coming up with a brilliant car
there has been rumours going on that you wish to compete in WRC
quite flattering and interesting since you will be coming up with the big guns of rally championship
but who will be your driver????
will it be a foreigner or our very own
an interesting question rite ???
since we do have one of the best drivers in the world
he won the world rally championship
then he left due to lack of funds and sponsorship
now your in a better financial state than you were a year back
why dont you give this very talented driver a chance
employing a foreigner is undermining our very own capabilities
this guy deserves all respect because what he has done is beyond others
camon what's wrong with you??? you should be thinking much better
Petter Solberg for you? His good, but, camon give our own a chance mate....
if you might have just forgotten who he is then let me refresh your not so good memory
see you have a problem, you want him, you think you want, you dont want him......

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Who's the best????
There is something really big taking place rite now. Its interesting, fascinating and terribly frightening at the same time. Ronaldo going to Madrid, kaka in madrid, with benzema coming through as well, it has made madrid rather untouchable. A team full of galaticos, who's line up include a cry baby is certainly tempting and wonderful. Its rather odd though, even with the financial crisis hitting the world the big European clubs seems to be enjoying a fall of revenue on their head. The players prices itself is tremendously horrifying.
Ronaldo himself cost Madrid a staggering 80 mill pound, add another 20 mill pounds and you would have probably bought Newcastle rather than a single player. A couple of season back it was Chelsea with Mr Abrhamovic's money spoiling the market, then came the Arab Sheik's of City and now Perez in Madrid. With the exception of City, Chelsea and Madrid has probably gotten every single player they ever wanted. It rings a few bell in my head though, are these players that good to cost so much, and if there was any single player who is worth his money than who is he???
A few minutes of thinking and many of you would have come up with the likes of Ronaldo and Kaka. To be honest, i don't think they are worth all that money. There is one player though and his name is Zidane Zidane, he graces the footballing pitch like a ballet dancer dancing her way through a magical performance. He is remarkably gifted something that others would find it extremely hard to match let alone beat him.
His personality on and off the field is rather moody as the person himself, but on his day he would have beaten the best of players around the world. At the age of 35 he showed the Brazilians masters of Ronaldinho, Kaka and co who is the real deal. His performance against Brazil during world cup 2006 was magnificent. He was 35 and he showed he has not lost a single bit of his talent. The ending was rather tragic though, not the very happy ending that we would see in movie's. But what a man he was, what a footballer he was. In the end of the day he has won every single thing that a footballer would want to win.
Retiring in not the best of notes, maybe something that he would have done differently. For me he was the greatest living legend and player of his generation. There are very few players who would be able to reach his heights.
Ronaldo himself cost Madrid a staggering 80 mill pound, add another 20 mill pounds and you would have probably bought Newcastle rather than a single player. A couple of season back it was Chelsea with Mr Abrhamovic's money spoiling the market, then came the Arab Sheik's of City and now Perez in Madrid. With the exception of City, Chelsea and Madrid has probably gotten every single player they ever wanted. It rings a few bell in my head though, are these players that good to cost so much, and if there was any single player who is worth his money than who is he???
A few minutes of thinking and many of you would have come up with the likes of Ronaldo and Kaka. To be honest, i don't think they are worth all that money. There is one player though and his name is Zidane Zidane, he graces the footballing pitch like a ballet dancer dancing her way through a magical performance. He is remarkably gifted something that others would find it extremely hard to match let alone beat him.
His personality on and off the field is rather moody as the person himself, but on his day he would have beaten the best of players around the world. At the age of 35 he showed the Brazilians masters of Ronaldinho, Kaka and co who is the real deal. His performance against Brazil during world cup 2006 was magnificent. He was 35 and he showed he has not lost a single bit of his talent. The ending was rather tragic though, not the very happy ending that we would see in movie's. But what a man he was, what a footballer he was. In the end of the day he has won every single thing that a footballer would want to win.
Retiring in not the best of notes, maybe something that he would have done differently. For me he was the greatest living legend and player of his generation. There are very few players who would be able to reach his heights.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy Bithday 2 U
I didn't know it was your birthday, a silly thing to do since you have been in the eyes of public for so many years. Its no suprise that you look fabulously good , and i guess many of your colleague are jealous of your good looks. Your looks itself don't justify your personality, its your very own thinking , charisma, your speech, your leadership that says more about you than anything else.
You see i grew up listening to your speeches and how you bombard some nations ( i got to admit though, they were really good ) and you were the only person that i believed brought us to where we are today. I know your probably never gonna read this, you have many more interesting things to do, but nevertheless i think its my duty to say happy birthday Dr M.
You see i grew up listening to your speeches and how you bombard some nations ( i got to admit though, they were really good ) and you were the only person that i believed brought us to where we are today. I know your probably never gonna read this, you have many more interesting things to do, but nevertheless i think its my duty to say happy birthday Dr M.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Night Class anyone ????
so i had my first night class in MMU. 8pm till 10 pm and it was advance audit. At first I thought it was a really silly and stupid idea of having a replacement class in the night, but how wrong I was. The class was freaking awesome. There was no Malaysian heat in the night, so i didn't really fry my ass out in trying to get to the class, it was more of a pleasant cool night breeze. My brain worked much better in the night, its not like its slow or something during the day but somehow its always in stand by mode during that time just waiting to shut down at any moment. Now i wish I have more classes in the night, hopefully my lecturer get's busier with time and there will be replacement's in the night
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Words and Feeling all mixed up
im lost of words
im emotionally all mixed up
my feeling doesnt really matter anymore
its just another fucked up angry little feeling that I have
what i need now, is to go for a holiday
travel all alone by myself
without people telling me what to do
without eating my head out with stupid fucking orders
without seeing anyone i know but at the same time meeting lots of different people and making lots friends
there is a problem though, the sem just started and im talking bout holidays. I guess all that can only be done during the end of my sem. Where do I want to go????
Sabah is in my mind and im looking forwards to seeing the big beautiful Mt Kinabalu, seeing different people from different background and having a chat while drinking a cup of tea in a long house
im emotionally all mixed up
my feeling doesnt really matter anymore
its just another fucked up angry little feeling that I have
what i need now, is to go for a holiday
travel all alone by myself
without people telling me what to do
without eating my head out with stupid fucking orders
without seeing anyone i know but at the same time meeting lots of different people and making lots friends
there is a problem though, the sem just started and im talking bout holidays. I guess all that can only be done during the end of my sem. Where do I want to go????
Sabah is in my mind and im looking forwards to seeing the big beautiful Mt Kinabalu, seeing different people from different background and having a chat while drinking a cup of tea in a long house
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
LIFE IS ?????
life is really unpredictable
just when it seems you have everything under control it turns around and hits you like a brick reminding you that not everything is predictable, but no matter how many bricks that hits you, one should never surrender to life,
LIFE IS.......
there to remind you
to love you and hate you at the same time
to make you sad
to make you happy
boring, fun, interesting and etc etc etc
we should always express our self, you never know if tommorrow never comes
and there you will be thinking about your regrets on things that you should have said, on things that matters most to you
one should never be silent about his life, like Martin Luther King once said " our lives begin to end the day we become silent on things that matter"
just when it seems you have everything under control it turns around and hits you like a brick reminding you that not everything is predictable, but no matter how many bricks that hits you, one should never surrender to life,
LIFE IS.......
there to remind you
to love you and hate you at the same time
to make you sad
to make you happy
boring, fun, interesting and etc etc etc
we should always express our self, you never know if tommorrow never comes
and there you will be thinking about your regrets on things that you should have said, on things that matters most to you
one should never be silent about his life, like Martin Luther King once said " our lives begin to end the day we become silent on things that matter"
Monday, June 22, 2009
And the dreams goes on N on
Lately I have been having some really weird dreams. All of this dreams seems to be coming up at the me every other day. So the dream goes on like this..... In the aftermath of L***** bombings i was appointed by MI6 as a special agent. HAHA. Special agent???? ya serious shit...something like james bond.
Anyway getting back to the story, I was given a mission and clear objectives and that is to penetrate and get reliable information to crack open an international terrorist operation. They wanted to appoint a person who could mix up relatively easy and get lost amongst the crowd, a spy to be exact.
So i took up the position and with great determination, i went ahead with the mission. I was given a new identity and got into the targeted nation ( I really wouldn't wanna say which country is that, you guys should be able to guess yourself ). I travelled excessively throughout the country in search of reliable information to achieve may objectives. Here comes the shitty part, the dream just concluded itself like a movie with a bad ending.
I wanted much more but anyhow this is how it ended, I went to a place that had huge terrorist camps and people willing to die at any single moment. I reported back to my superiors and they bombed the shit out of the place. Looking back at it, it seems rather cool to be a spy agent a little something of Brad Pitt in Spy Game and Daniel Craig in James Bond. What would I be called???? i couldn't think of it myself.....hopefully ill get a name in the next dream
Anyway getting back to the story, I was given a mission and clear objectives and that is to penetrate and get reliable information to crack open an international terrorist operation. They wanted to appoint a person who could mix up relatively easy and get lost amongst the crowd, a spy to be exact.
So i took up the position and with great determination, i went ahead with the mission. I was given a new identity and got into the targeted nation ( I really wouldn't wanna say which country is that, you guys should be able to guess yourself ). I travelled excessively throughout the country in search of reliable information to achieve may objectives. Here comes the shitty part, the dream just concluded itself like a movie with a bad ending.
I wanted much more but anyhow this is how it ended, I went to a place that had huge terrorist camps and people willing to die at any single moment. I reported back to my superiors and they bombed the shit out of the place. Looking back at it, it seems rather cool to be a spy agent a little something of Brad Pitt in Spy Game and Daniel Craig in James Bond. What would I be called???? i couldn't think of it myself.....hopefully ill get a name in the next dream
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Stupid Stupid Mail
so i have a problem with my hotmail account. This started a couple of months back when i accidentally open an e-mail sent by an unknown person. So since that time until now, apparently i have been sending e-mails to others without me knowing about it at all. I am getting sick and tired of this scam which has been going on for quite some time now and it's seriously getting on my nerves.
I have been sending e-mails to hotmail to help me out with this problem but apparently my e-mails i have fallen to deaf fucking ears. Every single day when i log into my msn there appears those sickening, boring, odd looking and totally ugly words " delivery status notification (Failure),". For fuck sake stop it now, its boring and stupid.
Apparently i sell some computer stuff, haha, if i really did that than i guess i would be rich rite....and i wouldnt be writing this. So guys if you have received any of those mails which claim that i sell computer stuff and all, that is so not true and sorry for the trouble. If any of you guys can help me out with it I would really appreciate it and buy you guys a beer, cheers mate
I have been sending e-mails to hotmail to help me out with this problem but apparently my e-mails i have fallen to deaf fucking ears. Every single day when i log into my msn there appears those sickening, boring, odd looking and totally ugly words " delivery status notification (Failure),". For fuck sake stop it now, its boring and stupid.
Apparently i sell some computer stuff, haha, if i really did that than i guess i would be rich rite....and i wouldnt be writing this. So guys if you have received any of those mails which claim that i sell computer stuff and all, that is so not true and sorry for the trouble. If any of you guys can help me out with it I would really appreciate it and buy you guys a beer, cheers mate
Aint no Sunshine When She's gone
so you finally left and im sure gonna miss you,
guess what???? i found a song bout that
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
and she's always gone too long
anytime she goes away
Wonder this time where she's gone
wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
and this house just ain't no home
anytime she goes away
And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know
Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone,
but ain't no sunshine when she's gone,
ain't no sunshine when she's gone,
only darkness everyday.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone,
and this house ain't no home,
anytime she goes away,
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
come back soon, make sure you don't bring along an accent when you get back!!!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
so as we all know CR7 or ronaldo is finally leaving. Many people are sad to see him go, but guess what im one of the very few United fans that thinks and feels the opposite. See it was about time for this young spoiled brat to go. He thinks his too good for United, and there is never a player bigger than united. Look what happen to Beckham, Van Nisterooy and etc.....
United is more than just a football club. Its history, its culture, its tradition says more than a footballer itself. And this spoil young whissy Portuguese kid who cries a lot, thinks his way too good for them??? It is without doubt that he is the best footballer in the world but it was certainly a wright move for united to cash in on him. Freaking 80 million pounds is a lot of money. With that we can certainly see a couple of stars arriving in Old Trafford.
Would really love to see Scarface and Benzema. Since Ronaldo has helped the Red Devils to 3 league titles, we as the fans should really thank him and wish him all the best. Well personally i would love to say congratulations on your move to Madrid, hope you cry more there and flood the Bernabeu with your tears,

United is more than just a football club. Its history, its culture, its tradition says more than a footballer itself. And this spoil young whissy Portuguese kid who cries a lot, thinks his way too good for them??? It is without doubt that he is the best footballer in the world but it was certainly a wright move for united to cash in on him. Freaking 80 million pounds is a lot of money. With that we can certainly see a couple of stars arriving in Old Trafford.
Would really love to see Scarface and Benzema. Since Ronaldo has helped the Red Devils to 3 league titles, we as the fans should really thank him and wish him all the best. Well personally i would love to say congratulations on your move to Madrid, hope you cry more there and flood the Bernabeu with your tears,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Holidays and Holidays and Holidays
my holidays is treating me really well......
well i went to perhentian so it cant be bad in anyway. Perhentian was really good, will update about that later on, once i get all the pics and stuff. Apart from that the other days are basically spent playing hockey, futsall and hitting the gym. I really do hope to lose a few pounds before the end of the holidays
wanted to watch terminator, i got jacked for that movie. But its ok, guess i should have known that was gonna happen, was fool in thinking the other way around.....
tomorrow is gonna be another hot silly day....and the same old routine continues day after day...but i enjoy it and it seems to be a lot of fun hanging out with old friends and making jokes and laughing all day
holidays i love you so much, can you by any chance be longer than 2 weeks ???????
well i went to perhentian so it cant be bad in anyway. Perhentian was really good, will update about that later on, once i get all the pics and stuff. Apart from that the other days are basically spent playing hockey, futsall and hitting the gym. I really do hope to lose a few pounds before the end of the holidays
wanted to watch terminator, i got jacked for that movie. But its ok, guess i should have known that was gonna happen, was fool in thinking the other way around.....
tomorrow is gonna be another hot silly day....and the same old routine continues day after day...but i enjoy it and it seems to be a lot of fun hanging out with old friends and making jokes and laughing all day
holidays i love you so much, can you by any chance be longer than 2 weeks ???????
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Beer Oh My Darling Beer
Beer oh my dear beer.......
how can i live without you
you see, you and me we are match made in heaven
I find you when i feel make me happy....
and when im happy, you make me super happy.....
Beer ohhh beer......
Please dont tell mom and dad about us
You see this people dont understand our relationship....
its more than complicated
something only you and me can understand
Beer Ohhh my darling beer....
im gonna leave you for a few days
hope you dont miss me too much...
im gonna pay a visit to your friend called MR Black
dont get jealous....
ill always come back to you
ohh my sweet beer... i love you
how can i live without you
you see, you and me we are match made in heaven
I find you when i feel make me happy....
and when im happy, you make me super happy.....
Beer ohhh beer......
Please dont tell mom and dad about us
You see this people dont understand our relationship....
its more than complicated
something only you and me can understand
Beer Ohhh my darling beer....
im gonna leave you for a few days
hope you dont miss me too much...
im gonna pay a visit to your friend called MR Black
dont get jealous....
ill always come back to you
ohh my sweet beer... i love you
Monday, June 1, 2009
After Party
too much of partying and drinking = hangover
should not have drank so much.....blablabla
whatever.... i dont give a fuck
im having my holidays
so im gonna drink all i want
and to perhentian here i come
should not have drank so much.....blablabla
whatever.... i dont give a fuck
im having my holidays
so im gonna drink all i want
and to perhentian here i come
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Not So Glory UTD
ah Man U lost, yeah yeah i now all you guys are happy now......
there probably should be a public holiday since Man U lost and everybody apart from Utd fans are really happy....
nevertheless for me, Barcelona played really well and in the end of the day they were the deserving winners.
The match wasn't the best of matches between both teams, it certainly could have been much better. I was puzzled by Ferguson's selection of the starting 11. For me Giggs was just too old to even deserve a place in the starting 11. With all respect to one of the most decorated players in Utd's histrory, i thought he really didn't do much....but the same could also be said about Carrick who for me was probably the worst player on field and should have been taken out
And how can i forget Puyol....haha...that guy was hilarious. Puyol basically was mocking Ronaldo and beating him in his very own game of diving.....he was really funny..... Ronaldo played well, i think that cements his place as the world's best player. Although Messi scored and had a few good touches, Ronaldo really did outclass him .
Anyway football is over for the year....and hopefully there will be much better competition in the premier league next season and Ronaldo stays ....
there probably should be a public holiday since Man U lost and everybody apart from Utd fans are really happy....
nevertheless for me, Barcelona played really well and in the end of the day they were the deserving winners.
The match wasn't the best of matches between both teams, it certainly could have been much better. I was puzzled by Ferguson's selection of the starting 11. For me Giggs was just too old to even deserve a place in the starting 11. With all respect to one of the most decorated players in Utd's histrory, i thought he really didn't do much....but the same could also be said about Carrick who for me was probably the worst player on field and should have been taken out
And how can i forget Puyol....haha...that guy was hilarious. Puyol basically was mocking Ronaldo and beating him in his very own game of diving.....he was really funny..... Ronaldo played well, i think that cements his place as the world's best player. Although Messi scored and had a few good touches, Ronaldo really did outclass him .
Anyway football is over for the year....and hopefully there will be much better competition in the premier league next season and Ronaldo stays ....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Welcome to N.K
its a stalin state, a dictator rules there, he does what he wants and the people are afraid of him
welcome to North Korea....... a pariah state in the eyes of the world
we have all heard about North Korea, from a deadly famine which struck the country in the early 90's to the even more deadly and dangerous nuclear test.....this state has done it all
North Korea is ruled by a dictator, its people are afraid of him, they call him the "great leader"
his barely 5 foot tall and his name is Kim Jong Il , he stands in the crowd with his small gooky little figure and his spectacularly ugly looking face....but his still and always will be their great leader
he has just conducted another nuclear test, and the best about him and his country is that his crazy and we dont know what his capable of........
one thing is for sure he hates the Americans ( which he blames for the death of millions of koreans during the korean war), he hates his neighbour to the south because they are rich, and he hates the japanese
his a crazy ass person and thats for sure, it takes a lot of guts for a country where its people barely have one meal per day to conduct and have nuclear test, Malaysia dont even have nuclear technology
but its a shame actually, a shame that his citizens have to suffer from his idiotic, stupid and short sighted thinking
i just hope that north koreans will have a better future ahead, since his most probable going to die soon ( already had a heart attack last year )
you people must be wondering why am i writing this?????, see im writing this because i have just finish reading the papers and heard bout the latest nuclear test and i feel for the poeple of north korea and what they must be going through.... they do not respect him, they are scared of him, and its a shame that this is still happening and will probably continue happening in many more years, i remember during the 90's when they had that deadly famine going on and how the whole world was trying to help them out, and even after all that taking place they have failed to learn from it
i feel sorry, sorry for its people that they have such a leader....i hope they will be free from this tyranny and open their arms and hearts to the people of the world
welcome to North Korea....... a pariah state in the eyes of the world
we have all heard about North Korea, from a deadly famine which struck the country in the early 90's to the even more deadly and dangerous nuclear test.....this state has done it all
North Korea is ruled by a dictator, its people are afraid of him, they call him the "great leader"
his barely 5 foot tall and his name is Kim Jong Il , he stands in the crowd with his small gooky little figure and his spectacularly ugly looking face....but his still and always will be their great leader
he has just conducted another nuclear test, and the best about him and his country is that his crazy and we dont know what his capable of........
one thing is for sure he hates the Americans ( which he blames for the death of millions of koreans during the korean war), he hates his neighbour to the south because they are rich, and he hates the japanese
his a crazy ass person and thats for sure, it takes a lot of guts for a country where its people barely have one meal per day to conduct and have nuclear test, Malaysia dont even have nuclear technology
but its a shame actually, a shame that his citizens have to suffer from his idiotic, stupid and short sighted thinking
i just hope that north koreans will have a better future ahead, since his most probable going to die soon ( already had a heart attack last year )
you people must be wondering why am i writing this?????, see im writing this because i have just finish reading the papers and heard bout the latest nuclear test and i feel for the poeple of north korea and what they must be going through.... they do not respect him, they are scared of him, and its a shame that this is still happening and will probably continue happening in many more years, i remember during the 90's when they had that deadly famine going on and how the whole world was trying to help them out, and even after all that taking place they have failed to learn from it
i feel sorry, sorry for its people that they have such a leader....i hope they will be free from this tyranny and open their arms and hearts to the people of the world
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Finish with exams
finally its done and over, I have finished my exams,
i feel so relief, im free and i have nothing to think about,
i can get my 8 hours sleep again ( after more than a week ),
the truth is that the exams were really hard, in particular was Auditing. Man that was really bad, it was brutal to be exact and i wish and pray that i get through it
others were not that bad but it could have been certainly much better.....
anyway my holidays is starting just at the right moment, the big match is coming this thursday morning
its sure gonna be a good game, and im thankfull and happy that my exams have finished much earlier this time than it had during last year
remember watching Chelsea against Man Utd while studying for FAR....(fucking stupid exam schedule)
but that's all dead and gone, and i have all the time in the world to enjoy the game and hopefully with fingers crossed, at the end of the day it will be Man Utd with the trophy in their hands again
for footballing fans there couldn't have been a better final
truth to be told, both teams deserve to be in the final, sorry to Arsenal and Chelsea you were just not good enough ( hahahaha)
so come thursday morning, 2 of the biggest teams will face off against each other, 22 players on the field and many more cheering them through out the world
its the ultimate battle and there can be only one winner and hopefully it will be the team in red..........
i feel so relief, im free and i have nothing to think about,
i can get my 8 hours sleep again ( after more than a week ),
the truth is that the exams were really hard, in particular was Auditing. Man that was really bad, it was brutal to be exact and i wish and pray that i get through it
others were not that bad but it could have been certainly much better.....
anyway my holidays is starting just at the right moment, the big match is coming this thursday morning
its sure gonna be a good game, and im thankfull and happy that my exams have finished much earlier this time than it had during last year
remember watching Chelsea against Man Utd while studying for FAR....(fucking stupid exam schedule)
but that's all dead and gone, and i have all the time in the world to enjoy the game and hopefully with fingers crossed, at the end of the day it will be Man Utd with the trophy in their hands again
for footballing fans there couldn't have been a better final
truth to be told, both teams deserve to be in the final, sorry to Arsenal and Chelsea you were just not good enough ( hahahaha)
so come thursday morning, 2 of the biggest teams will face off against each other, 22 players on the field and many more cheering them through out the world
its the ultimate battle and there can be only one winner and hopefully it will be the team in red..........
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memories hunting me down
so i was walking down the street, a hot hot day... and there u were, didnt expect to see you after so many years MIA....where did you go? things and memories came back down to me
it struck me like a lightening, shocked i was, but i tried to hide my face. Didnt have the courage to face you after all the silly things that i have done. Wondering if your still mad at me. I started walking slower and slower hoping you would never turn around
and then you did, my heart drop to be honest.....i was starstruck, starstruck with your beauty........the very same face that i would see everysingle day few years back and im seeing it after so many years....... i wonder where have you been
things ended between us as soon as it started
i know that i was wrong, but if your reading this.....then i would like to say im really really sorry......
Im happy that you are happy, and hope you do so in many more years
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Lonely Soldier
in the early hours of this lonely morning, a taught came into my mind. How lucky I am, how lucky i am in Malaysia. There are places in the world where people are even afraid of going to bed, afraid that tomorrow never comes. Places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, all this places, had seen their fare share of deaths and suffering. Talk about food this people don't even have clean water to drink.
But here i am in Malaysia, this is my home and I'm safe here. Safe from the pounding and scary sound of bullets and bombs, safe from the terrorist that had terrorise other countries. But who, who keeps me safe ????? the answer is simple, you done need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, its the soldiers.... Ya its the soldiers, its because of this men and women that put the country ahead of anything else that I'm able to sleep peacefully at night. Their courage is remarkable... i wish i had fraction of that
Its this people, the lonely man and women at our borders, our brothers and sisters who stands tall in the open blue waters, holding up their riffle and putting their life on the line just for..... you and me. I salute them and i wish they had more recognition. We are safe now because they are keeping us safe, we are asleep now because they are awake, we are living now because they are breathing.....
to the soldiers, I say thank you....
But here i am in Malaysia, this is my home and I'm safe here. Safe from the pounding and scary sound of bullets and bombs, safe from the terrorist that had terrorise other countries. But who, who keeps me safe ????? the answer is simple, you done need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, its the soldiers.... Ya its the soldiers, its because of this men and women that put the country ahead of anything else that I'm able to sleep peacefully at night. Their courage is remarkable... i wish i had fraction of that
Its this people, the lonely man and women at our borders, our brothers and sisters who stands tall in the open blue waters, holding up their riffle and putting their life on the line just for..... you and me. I salute them and i wish they had more recognition. We are safe now because they are keeping us safe, we are asleep now because they are awake, we are living now because they are breathing.....
to the soldiers, I say thank you....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
OK, my exams are coming up in a week. And guess what, im lost and confused in sea of numbers, theories and section this n that. There is just too much to study and i have too little time. Im seriously getting nervous and feeling the effects of stress right now. Something like this.....

To add to misery, the fucking bookshop didnt photostat chapter 14 of my corporate finance. Fucking stupid, somemore dah lah mahal. Am i getting too worried, I dont know, I hope not. There is only one hope left for me and that is to study. So books, notes and tutorials here i come to spoil your party.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Last Saturday i witness the cruelty and immorality of the human race. Witnessing such an act taking place right in-front of me brought me back to my senses that we are not that kind to be called mankind. How can we be so fucking stupid, cruel and an idiot at the same time. The story goes like this, just a few days before i was reading about the whole issue of stray dogs being abandoned on Pulau Selat Kering and Pulau Tengah.
It didn't come as a shock and nor did it surprise me, reading about animal cruelty in Malaysia is nothing new. It is the truth that we Malaysians need to understand, realize and educate ourselves better on how to treat and care for this beautiful animal. ( The link ) . True enough it was a sad sad situation. No animal, Big or Small, Ugly or Beautiful, Smart or Stupid deserve to be treated that way. I have great respect to the volunteers who has helped out in the mission to rescue those endangered dogs.
As an animal lover or a dog lover to be more specific, i was horrified and sad to read the news. I didn't realize that i was gona face the same situation come Saturday. And so I did. Woke up at 1, had a good lunch and started watching a stupid hindi movie. As we all know, the weather lately hasn't been very kind on us. It is tantalisingly hot. Unbearable to make it better. I wonder when izit going to rain again, fingers crossed i hope it does soon. A freaking hot day, a stupid hindi movie = sleep. Ya that was exactly what i was gona do until my phone rang. Balraj called in, telling me there is German Shepherd infront of his house, and called me over. So i quickly got my pants on and rushed away to see it.
I was totally amazed to see a huge and handsome looking dog. I wondered which idiot would just leave such a beautiful dog. When i got closer to the dog, i saw tales of misery and injuries on his body. To make matters worse he had injuries and infection even on his buttocks. Horrified and clueless, we decided to call SPCA for help. SPCA which is in ampang plays a huge role and is a leader in campaigning against animal cruelty and rescuing dogs throughout Malaysia. While the van was on its way, we decided to feed the dog with some food, milk and water. The dog was really hungry and it was very skinny.
By the looks of it, it probably has not eating in a day or two. We offered him more food, but he didnt eat it. Waited until 6 and finally the van arrived, Mr Ramesh was on hand to great us. He then told us that the dog will be put to sleep, a more diplomatic way to say that it was going to die. We basically knew it from the very beggining when we called SPCA. Many wouldnt have done what we did, some would have called it cruel. But say and speak all you want, it was the right thing to do and it was the best solution. It was better to take the dog out of its misery than to let it suffer more.
So at 7 in the evening the dog was taken away. We felt sad but at the same time we know we did all we could. To the owner, which we will probably never know I have a few nice little words to say. Fucking asshole, you fucking piece of shit, i wish the exact same thing happens to you when your old. Dont ever try to justify your act, you are fucking cruel and even you know it. They say that a dog is man's best friend but a man is not the dog's best friend. Guess thats true for this case. And yeah we managed to name the dog, GABRU, yeah another punjabi name for a dog. Haha. It does sound cool doesnt it. Nway R.I.P Gabru.

It didn't come as a shock and nor did it surprise me, reading about animal cruelty in Malaysia is nothing new. It is the truth that we Malaysians need to understand, realize and educate ourselves better on how to treat and care for this beautiful animal. ( The link ) . True enough it was a sad sad situation. No animal, Big or Small, Ugly or Beautiful, Smart or Stupid deserve to be treated that way. I have great respect to the volunteers who has helped out in the mission to rescue those endangered dogs.
As an animal lover or a dog lover to be more specific, i was horrified and sad to read the news. I didn't realize that i was gona face the same situation come Saturday. And so I did. Woke up at 1, had a good lunch and started watching a stupid hindi movie. As we all know, the weather lately hasn't been very kind on us. It is tantalisingly hot. Unbearable to make it better. I wonder when izit going to rain again, fingers crossed i hope it does soon. A freaking hot day, a stupid hindi movie = sleep. Ya that was exactly what i was gona do until my phone rang. Balraj called in, telling me there is German Shepherd infront of his house, and called me over. So i quickly got my pants on and rushed away to see it.
I was totally amazed to see a huge and handsome looking dog. I wondered which idiot would just leave such a beautiful dog. When i got closer to the dog, i saw tales of misery and injuries on his body. To make matters worse he had injuries and infection even on his buttocks. Horrified and clueless, we decided to call SPCA for help. SPCA which is in ampang plays a huge role and is a leader in campaigning against animal cruelty and rescuing dogs throughout Malaysia. While the van was on its way, we decided to feed the dog with some food, milk and water. The dog was really hungry and it was very skinny.
By the looks of it, it probably has not eating in a day or two. We offered him more food, but he didnt eat it. Waited until 6 and finally the van arrived, Mr Ramesh was on hand to great us. He then told us that the dog will be put to sleep, a more diplomatic way to say that it was going to die. We basically knew it from the very beggining when we called SPCA. Many wouldnt have done what we did, some would have called it cruel. But say and speak all you want, it was the right thing to do and it was the best solution. It was better to take the dog out of its misery than to let it suffer more.
So at 7 in the evening the dog was taken away. We felt sad but at the same time we know we did all we could. To the owner, which we will probably never know I have a few nice little words to say. Fucking asshole, you fucking piece of shit, i wish the exact same thing happens to you when your old. Dont ever try to justify your act, you are fucking cruel and even you know it. They say that a dog is man's best friend but a man is not the dog's best friend. Guess thats true for this case. And yeah we managed to name the dog, GABRU, yeah another punjabi name for a dog. Haha. It does sound cool doesnt it. Nway R.I.P Gabru.
Friday, May 8, 2009
something about me
something bout me ?
Finally I'm here. I have arrived into the world of blogging. Like a baby who's learning to walk, I'm trying to crawl into this world, mistakes are meant to be made but i hope i learn from it and understand this whole new world of blogging. I'm really sorry if any of the post that i would publish has in any way hurt anyone, although don't really care n I'm dead serious bout it. So i don't really give a shit if u get hurt. Ill talk bout everything and anything.
Finally I'm here. I have arrived into the world of blogging. Like a baby who's learning to walk, I'm trying to crawl into this world, mistakes are meant to be made but i hope i learn from it and understand this whole new world of blogging. I'm really sorry if any of the post that i would publish has in any way hurt anyone, although don't really care n I'm dead serious bout it. So i don't really give a shit if u get hurt. Ill talk bout everything and anything.
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