It didn't come as a shock and nor did it surprise me, reading about animal cruelty in Malaysia is nothing new. It is the truth that we Malaysians need to understand, realize and educate ourselves better on how to treat and care for this beautiful animal. ( The link ) . True enough it was a sad sad situation. No animal, Big or Small, Ugly or Beautiful, Smart or Stupid deserve to be treated that way. I have great respect to the volunteers who has helped out in the mission to rescue those endangered dogs.
As an animal lover or a dog lover to be more specific, i was horrified and sad to read the news. I didn't realize that i was gona face the same situation come Saturday. And so I did. Woke up at 1, had a good lunch and started watching a stupid hindi movie. As we all know, the weather lately hasn't been very kind on us. It is tantalisingly hot. Unbearable to make it better. I wonder when izit going to rain again, fingers crossed i hope it does soon. A freaking hot day, a stupid hindi movie = sleep. Ya that was exactly what i was gona do until my phone rang. Balraj called in, telling me there is German Shepherd infront of his house, and called me over. So i quickly got my pants on and rushed away to see it.
I was totally amazed to see a huge and handsome looking dog. I wondered which idiot would just leave such a beautiful dog. When i got closer to the dog, i saw tales of misery and injuries on his body. To make matters worse he had injuries and infection even on his buttocks. Horrified and clueless, we decided to call SPCA for help. SPCA which is in ampang plays a huge role and is a leader in campaigning against animal cruelty and rescuing dogs throughout Malaysia. While the van was on its way, we decided to feed the dog with some food, milk and water. The dog was really hungry and it was very skinny.
By the looks of it, it probably has not eating in a day or two. We offered him more food, but he didnt eat it. Waited until 6 and finally the van arrived, Mr Ramesh was on hand to great us. He then told us that the dog will be put to sleep, a more diplomatic way to say that it was going to die. We basically knew it from the very beggining when we called SPCA. Many wouldnt have done what we did, some would have called it cruel. But say and speak all you want, it was the right thing to do and it was the best solution. It was better to take the dog out of its misery than to let it suffer more.
So at 7 in the evening the dog was taken away. We felt sad but at the same time we know we did all we could. To the owner, which we will probably never know I have a few nice little words to say. Fucking asshole, you fucking piece of shit, i wish the exact same thing happens to you when your old. Dont ever try to justify your act, you are fucking cruel and even you know it. They say that a dog is man's best friend but a man is not the dog's best friend. Guess thats true for this case. And yeah we managed to name the dog, GABRU, yeah another punjabi name for a dog. Haha. It does sound cool doesnt it. Nway R.I.P Gabru.
Omg! Who wud hv known u had dis side 2 u? I m totally in support. Gabru IS a cool name. R.I.P. Gabru.
ai lin...haha didnt expect to see you. The name is cool rite ( i knew it ). Now that you know feel free to drop by more often