for the past few weeks i have been carrying an injury on my left leg. Well it may sound normal cause im always getting injured, but this freaking injury is a real pain in the ass. Well it all started off during the sem holidays, was having a hockey match and my left shin started hurting real bad, nevertheless i just carried on, tahan the pain until the first half was over. Just as the 2nd half started the pain really got unbearable, its those fucking niggling injuries that you have, the kind off pain which is not really that bad, but its constantly there.
It fucking kills me to know that i cant sprint for a ball, im down to walking pace and i cant even go out from the match. Its gona be a month now and it still hurts when i try to sprint, fucking pain just doesnt go off, and and...... i dont wana fucking go to those hospitals which know nothing about sports injuries because of the bad experience i had when i tore my thigh muscles.
And ya i almost forgot, the name of this stupid freaking injury is called a slip shin, some guy told me after uruting my leg for about 10 minutes, and im not even sure if his sure about it himself. Pain pain go away, i fucking hate you, you dont even fucking let me run, damn it you irritating son of a bitch
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Man with the Blue Uniform
ladies and gentleman,
first of all before you read further it is important to know that i am not taking any sides in the posting of this article, if you think i am, please feel free to press the lil X thing on the upper right hand sight of the window, easier still alt f4 je....
see the malaysian police force has in recent days taken a lot of stick for unfortunate events that has taken place throughout the country. It is very unfortunate, but then again it is not right to blame the entire police force. It is important to understand that the police force is out there to protect us, having said that i also believe that the malaysian police force has done a very good job in bringing down the crime level in the country. It was very much higher last year compared to this year, the improvement is indeed a very significant one, and one that assures us that police is going around and doing their job rather than spending their time drinking teh tarik.....
there are circumstances where police officers have been shot, injured and killed in the line of duty. I believe we in general has taken the police force for granted, not thanking them enough and not giving them the credentials that they truly deserve....a very hardworking police man out there who is probably earning around 1000 per month and have to make sure that he does not get killed and at the same time have to look out for MACC who is doing a good job to make sure that he don't collect RM50 bribe's.
He goes home and he has a family to feed, and what happens if one day this same hardworking police man is shot and killed just because he did not draw his gun fast enough to shoot the other party. What happens then? we all say our sorries and move on??? is there any inquiries? no, nothing is done. The police force will probably hunt down the culprit or if it fails then the other party has just walked away freely after committing a serious crime. This man was out there to make sure that people like you and me, could sleep peacefully at night....therefore it is our duty not to draw a conclusion on anything that is not yet concrete and not to blame the whole police force for some bad apples that exist among them. Think about it, if the police force are asleep at night, will you be able to sleep? can you guarantee the safety of your family, of your house, of your belongings?
i think it is generally important for all of us to be in an environment where there is better understanding and a mutual trust among the citizens and the police force, only then unwanted incidents can be further prevented. We as ordinary citizens should also take more proactive measures, dont just fucking say tak tau when the police officer comes around asking you for information......cooperate, you might not know when you might just need them...
first of all before you read further it is important to know that i am not taking any sides in the posting of this article, if you think i am, please feel free to press the lil X thing on the upper right hand sight of the window, easier still alt f4 je....
see the malaysian police force has in recent days taken a lot of stick for unfortunate events that has taken place throughout the country. It is very unfortunate, but then again it is not right to blame the entire police force. It is important to understand that the police force is out there to protect us, having said that i also believe that the malaysian police force has done a very good job in bringing down the crime level in the country. It was very much higher last year compared to this year, the improvement is indeed a very significant one, and one that assures us that police is going around and doing their job rather than spending their time drinking teh tarik.....
there are circumstances where police officers have been shot, injured and killed in the line of duty. I believe we in general has taken the police force for granted, not thanking them enough and not giving them the credentials that they truly deserve....a very hardworking police man out there who is probably earning around 1000 per month and have to make sure that he does not get killed and at the same time have to look out for MACC who is doing a good job to make sure that he don't collect RM50 bribe's.
He goes home and he has a family to feed, and what happens if one day this same hardworking police man is shot and killed just because he did not draw his gun fast enough to shoot the other party. What happens then? we all say our sorries and move on??? is there any inquiries? no, nothing is done. The police force will probably hunt down the culprit or if it fails then the other party has just walked away freely after committing a serious crime. This man was out there to make sure that people like you and me, could sleep peacefully at night....therefore it is our duty not to draw a conclusion on anything that is not yet concrete and not to blame the whole police force for some bad apples that exist among them. Think about it, if the police force are asleep at night, will you be able to sleep? can you guarantee the safety of your family, of your house, of your belongings?
i think it is generally important for all of us to be in an environment where there is better understanding and a mutual trust among the citizens and the police force, only then unwanted incidents can be further prevented. We as ordinary citizens should also take more proactive measures, dont just fucking say tak tau when the police officer comes around asking you for information......cooperate, you might not know when you might just need them...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
what one Malaysia concept are we talking about, how much of 1 Malaysia is really being applied. It is rather astonishing that our very own DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, i think doesn't really understand the concept of 1Malaysia. When asked if his a a Malaysian first or a malay first, he dully replied im a malay first. If this is what 1 Malaysia is all about, then i think we have generally failed to unite all the races into one.
One should be a Malaysian first this is what i believe, and correct me if im wrong, but this is what a true Malaysian would have said. You preach about the importance of unity and the concept of accepting one another, but at the same time you fail to deliver when it matters most. A true and responsible leader would have replied that im a Malaysian, a leader for all the races in Malaysia and it doesn't really matter if im a malay, chinese or indian.
I believe the very first step that we should take is to remove the religion part in our identity card... why must it be there? i dont even understand the logic of it being there (not everyone has this). Next we should remove all Sekolah Jenis Kebangsan in Malaysia. Schools are important, it is where the bonding begins, and it where one has the chance to mingle around with people from different background's and race. Therefore if Malaysia is still going to have chinese and indian schools, then we are definitely starting of late in promoting the unity and concept of 1Malaysia among our younger generation.
It is important to note that im a Malaysian, and will always be one. Therefore i don't think my race and religion will be of any importance if i cannot contribute to my own country. Maybe the leaders of our country ought to put this in their mind
One should be a Malaysian first this is what i believe, and correct me if im wrong, but this is what a true Malaysian would have said. You preach about the importance of unity and the concept of accepting one another, but at the same time you fail to deliver when it matters most. A true and responsible leader would have replied that im a Malaysian, a leader for all the races in Malaysia and it doesn't really matter if im a malay, chinese or indian.
I believe the very first step that we should take is to remove the religion part in our identity card... why must it be there? i dont even understand the logic of it being there (not everyone has this). Next we should remove all Sekolah Jenis Kebangsan in Malaysia. Schools are important, it is where the bonding begins, and it where one has the chance to mingle around with people from different background's and race. Therefore if Malaysia is still going to have chinese and indian schools, then we are definitely starting of late in promoting the unity and concept of 1Malaysia among our younger generation.
It is important to note that im a Malaysian, and will always be one. Therefore i don't think my race and religion will be of any importance if i cannot contribute to my own country. Maybe the leaders of our country ought to put this in their mind
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Stressed is actually desserts spelled backwards,,, How fucking ironic is that, since its the complete opposite of one another rite.... Desserts taste good(although they are bloody sweet at times), stress is never good. Stress fucking makes you unhappy,emotional and freaking angry. That is what stress does, and the fucking worst time to have stress is during your exams.I can not sleep very well at night. During the day, I try not to think of the exams and its results. More interestingly, I always try not to think of the results and just enjoy what I am doing. However, I still fucking have stress!!!!!
During exams its not a choice, but stress itself makes way to you. It doesn't matter how good or how smart you are, stress never leaves one alone. Why am i saying this, I'm fucking bloody having 3 fucking papers starting from tomorrow. God help me, and stress can you please let me just take my rest????
During exams its not a choice, but stress itself makes way to you. It doesn't matter how good or how smart you are, stress never leaves one alone. Why am i saying this, I'm fucking bloody having 3 fucking papers starting from tomorrow. God help me, and stress can you please let me just take my rest????

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hockey World Cup Part 3
so the hockey world cup is finally over. What a final it was, Australia vs Germany, the fans and hockey favourites couldn't ask for a better final. The Germans played incredibly well and came within a whisker from taking the victory but in the end the best team won and the German's finally lost against a very determine Australian side. I must say that i was pretty impressed by the Germans, coming into the world cup with only 3 players from their previous world cup winning squad and qualifying for the final that itself was a big achievement.
Australia finally ended their losing streak to the Germans, beaten in the final in 2002 and 2006, they were definitely out for revenge on the day. With players like Jamie dwyer in the team you couldn't really doubt the end result. 2 world cup trophies now for the Australians, and their coach is absolutely amazing, captaining the side when they won their first in 1986 and coaching his team out for their second trophy, salutes to Rick Charlesworth and his amazing work
The Asian teams were a big let down, Pakistan finishing last!!!!First time for them and i bet its not gonna end soon if there is no drastic changes taking place....India finishing 8th, another disappointing result as they were actually beaten by Argentina in the playoff for the 7th spot. Koreans finish in 6th place and qualifying for the champions trophy, not really bad for them.
so the world cup is over and Australia deserve their win, i wish Malaysia was in it, but we somehow failed to qualify for the 2nd time running. The malaysian hockey fans can only wait and see what changes the MHF is gona take, there is already one in place, they hired a very good foreign coach and hopefully he can get better results out of the players.
Australia finally ended their losing streak to the Germans, beaten in the final in 2002 and 2006, they were definitely out for revenge on the day. With players like Jamie dwyer in the team you couldn't really doubt the end result. 2 world cup trophies now for the Australians, and their coach is absolutely amazing, captaining the side when they won their first in 1986 and coaching his team out for their second trophy, salutes to Rick Charlesworth and his amazing work
The Asian teams were a big let down, Pakistan finishing last!!!!First time for them and i bet its not gonna end soon if there is no drastic changes taking place....India finishing 8th, another disappointing result as they were actually beaten by Argentina in the playoff for the 7th spot. Koreans finish in 6th place and qualifying for the champions trophy, not really bad for them.
so the world cup is over and Australia deserve their win, i wish Malaysia was in it, but we somehow failed to qualify for the 2nd time running. The malaysian hockey fans can only wait and see what changes the MHF is gona take, there is already one in place, they hired a very good foreign coach and hopefully he can get better results out of the players.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hockey World Cup Part 2
So the group stages of hockey world cup is finally over. None of the 3 Asian teams in the tournament made it to the semi-finals. The Indians and the Pakistanis were a huge let down, even the energetic and enthusiastic Koreans didn't make this time around... A disappointing end to a tournament that started of so brightly for the Indians and Koreans, and a further disappointment for hockey in Asia. The Koreans are generally a very consistent team but this time around they lost to a lower ranking team in New Zealand, I'm not in anyway saying that the Black Sticks are bad, no they are not, but the Koreans are so much more better in every single aspect of the game.
This inconsistency is a huge burden for all 3 teams, Pakistanis won against the Spaniards and lost all its other matches, India won against the Pakistanis and lost its following 3 matches, the Koreans beat the dutch and a stupid lost to NZ cost them a place in the semi-finals.
Nevertheless though, there were some brilliant performance in some matches, the Pakistanis played really well against their more fancied opponents, the Australians. They were actually leading the match 1-0 but eventually lost 2-1. The Pakistanis abandon their usual Asian style of play and adopted a more cautious counter attacking game which was really good. This actually shows that some Asian teams have the capability to adopt the European playing style and the same time they can be successful in it.
The Indians on the other hand scored some fantastic goals in their match against the South Africans, and if it wasn't for the stupid video referral thingy, they could have actually won the match. The 2ND and 3rd goal that the Indians scored were a brilliant master-piece of quick interchange of passes and mesmerising stick work from the forwards. Even the disallowed goal was equally brilliant and i would have placed my bet on it to be included as one of the best goals of the tournaments.
The semi finals is going to be a really interesting affair, with England make it thru for the first time in 24 years. The Germans, Dutch and Australians are the usual candidates, but the english have played so well so far that I'm actually falling in love with the style of hockey that they play. So although im not going to place my money on them, i certainly think that the have the capability to lift the trophy for the first time.
This inconsistency is a huge burden for all 3 teams, Pakistanis won against the Spaniards and lost all its other matches, India won against the Pakistanis and lost its following 3 matches, the Koreans beat the dutch and a stupid lost to NZ cost them a place in the semi-finals.
Nevertheless though, there were some brilliant performance in some matches, the Pakistanis played really well against their more fancied opponents, the Australians. They were actually leading the match 1-0 but eventually lost 2-1. The Pakistanis abandon their usual Asian style of play and adopted a more cautious counter attacking game which was really good. This actually shows that some Asian teams have the capability to adopt the European playing style and the same time they can be successful in it.
The Indians on the other hand scored some fantastic goals in their match against the South Africans, and if it wasn't for the stupid video referral thingy, they could have actually won the match. The 2ND and 3rd goal that the Indians scored were a brilliant master-piece of quick interchange of passes and mesmerising stick work from the forwards. Even the disallowed goal was equally brilliant and i would have placed my bet on it to be included as one of the best goals of the tournaments.
The semi finals is going to be a really interesting affair, with England make it thru for the first time in 24 years. The Germans, Dutch and Australians are the usual candidates, but the english have played so well so far that I'm actually falling in love with the style of hockey that they play. So although im not going to place my money on them, i certainly think that the have the capability to lift the trophy for the first time.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hockey World Cup 2010
For most hockey fans out there, we are all very delighted that the hockey world cup is going on right now. The better part of this is that the tournament is being held in India, a nation known for producing one of the best hockey players around the world. What a chance it is to bring back the glory days of asian hockey. Although the asian hockey skills are remarkable and impressive but they are not as effective as compared to the tactical game of the europeans.
For years now the most successful hockey nations around the world has adapted to the quick european style of play, playing short passes and looking for room to make the killer pass. This play is both effective and efficient, it is simple the ball travels faster than the player. The asians though, they play the most attractive hockey but they fail to deliver when it matters most. Now coming back to the hockey world cup, India for example started off brilliantly by beating their arch rivals Pakistan 4-1. Both teams played the same style of hockey which was greatly influenced by some wonderful skills and hard hitting of the ball.
The 2nd match though brought the indians down to earth again, see the same kind of hockey which is played with so much of skill is not suitable against the Australians. They were beatean quite easily 5-2. The australians waited for the indians to make mistakes which they did quite a lot and took advantage of this by playing some killer passes straight into the D. By hitting the ball hard into the D of the opponnents the indians are actually allowing the australians to trap the ball better and take advantage of the superior speed and tactical play to launch quick counter attacks, in the end it was a brilliant tactic and again it showed us that the asian hockey game is no longer as effective as once it was.
It is going to be very difficult for both India and Pakistan to make it to the semi-finals and they should adapt both their skills and maneuverability better and have a good tactical game. The malaysian's should also learn something out of it since they fail to qualify for the world cup.
For years now the most successful hockey nations around the world has adapted to the quick european style of play, playing short passes and looking for room to make the killer pass. This play is both effective and efficient, it is simple the ball travels faster than the player. The asians though, they play the most attractive hockey but they fail to deliver when it matters most. Now coming back to the hockey world cup, India for example started off brilliantly by beating their arch rivals Pakistan 4-1. Both teams played the same style of hockey which was greatly influenced by some wonderful skills and hard hitting of the ball.
The 2nd match though brought the indians down to earth again, see the same kind of hockey which is played with so much of skill is not suitable against the Australians. They were beatean quite easily 5-2. The australians waited for the indians to make mistakes which they did quite a lot and took advantage of this by playing some killer passes straight into the D. By hitting the ball hard into the D of the opponnents the indians are actually allowing the australians to trap the ball better and take advantage of the superior speed and tactical play to launch quick counter attacks, in the end it was a brilliant tactic and again it showed us that the asian hockey game is no longer as effective as once it was.
It is going to be very difficult for both India and Pakistan to make it to the semi-finals and they should adapt both their skills and maneuverability better and have a good tactical game. The malaysian's should also learn something out of it since they fail to qualify for the world cup.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
SO much SO for 1 Malaysia????
I'm extremely disappointed with the current situation in an around the country. A new year is suppose to be a new beginning for us, but then again i guess even 2010 couldn't do anything about it. I'm terrible surprised that events like burning churches and intimidating people is taking place here, of all the places in Malaysia. I do understand the sentiments behind it but then again to take this kind of actions which is not only provocative but actions that are also meant to install fear in the other party, this is totally unacceptable
as the issue is basically a very dangerous one, i mean religious issues are never easy, we as people of this country who loves and preach about peace all the time should take steps in making sure that other unwanted and fresh incidents that can tarnish our image in the eyes of the world does not take place. It is disappointing that after the attacks, Malaysia was in al-jazeera and other international news agency for all the wrong reasons. We are Malaysians mate!!!! and this is not us, we do not do this, but then again there are some people out there, this small group of people who do not share or have the same thinking as us, who is all out to create and damage others to get probably some political mileage.
politics its neva easy, religion is never easy, and when you mix the both of them it becomes a really dangerous combination. One which is easier to burn than a piece of matches and harder to put out than a burning fire. Every religion is 'bizarre' for those who do not accept its tenets, therefore it is important for us to understand each other as much as we possibly can and leave the judgment and the deliberation to the courts
till then i do hope that no other incidents that can jeopardise national security takes place. And for once ill probably support the use of ISA to get the culprits
as the issue is basically a very dangerous one, i mean religious issues are never easy, we as people of this country who loves and preach about peace all the time should take steps in making sure that other unwanted and fresh incidents that can tarnish our image in the eyes of the world does not take place. It is disappointing that after the attacks, Malaysia was in al-jazeera and other international news agency for all the wrong reasons. We are Malaysians mate!!!! and this is not us, we do not do this, but then again there are some people out there, this small group of people who do not share or have the same thinking as us, who is all out to create and damage others to get probably some political mileage.
politics its neva easy, religion is never easy, and when you mix the both of them it becomes a really dangerous combination. One which is easier to burn than a piece of matches and harder to put out than a burning fire. Every religion is 'bizarre' for those who do not accept its tenets, therefore it is important for us to understand each other as much as we possibly can and leave the judgment and the deliberation to the courts
till then i do hope that no other incidents that can jeopardise national security takes place. And for once ill probably support the use of ISA to get the culprits
Friday, January 8, 2010
Marry me O pay ME???????
its rather surprising that in a country like Malaysia you can actually sue another person for not marrying you. Incredible isn't it ???? I mean how many people would wanna do that, but i guess with the current economic condition and the people itself who are so indulge and passionate about money, anything is possible. It reminds people that currently jimmy choo's and prada's are more important than anything else.
And we are not talking bout a few thousand or a few hundred thousand ringgit over here. I bet if that was the amount an average person would be jumping with joy and screaming their heart out, but it is 5.5 million ringgit. Haha. That is wat you have to pay if you ever promise a girl to marry her and then you break it off. Lucky me i haven't got to that stage yet and hopefully i never do that. Its incredible and tremendously stupid to claim those things. I mean, if you really love that person, you wouldn't really wana cause harm and trouble rite, but then you can bite off a chuck of his wealth!!!! Well this story is bout some lady who is in her mid 40's and believe me she is suing the other person for not marrying her. If you guys are still wondering who she is, she is that not so thin lady in jalan-jalan cari makan which is on tv3
And we are not talking bout a few thousand or a few hundred thousand ringgit over here. I bet if that was the amount an average person would be jumping with joy and screaming their heart out, but it is 5.5 million ringgit. Haha. That is wat you have to pay if you ever promise a girl to marry her and then you break it off. Lucky me i haven't got to that stage yet and hopefully i never do that. Its incredible and tremendously stupid to claim those things. I mean, if you really love that person, you wouldn't really wana cause harm and trouble rite, but then you can bite off a chuck of his wealth!!!! Well this story is bout some lady who is in her mid 40's and believe me she is suing the other person for not marrying her. If you guys are still wondering who she is, she is that not so thin lady in jalan-jalan cari makan which is on tv3
Hello hello n hello
hello 2010
goodbye 2009
well the new year is here. And a new year always brings together new challenges and new troubles. See my new year started of really well but it's not smooth sailing all the way. I drank way too much during the eve and me being inder i continued till the next morning
then its time to get back home and face my parents who was certainly not happy with me. But i guess it is my fault and im man enough to admit that. See i have made a lot of mistakes and screwed up a whole lot of things as well. Sorry that im not perfect and no body is, but then again i know it myself that im not really that bad
First thing first i really would like to cut down on my drinking and then.....nothing else actually, we will see how the first one goes.......
goodbye 2009
well the new year is here. And a new year always brings together new challenges and new troubles. See my new year started of really well but it's not smooth sailing all the way. I drank way too much during the eve and me being inder i continued till the next morning
then its time to get back home and face my parents who was certainly not happy with me. But i guess it is my fault and im man enough to admit that. See i have made a lot of mistakes and screwed up a whole lot of things as well. Sorry that im not perfect and no body is, but then again i know it myself that im not really that bad
First thing first i really would like to cut down on my drinking and then.....nothing else actually, we will see how the first one goes.......
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