Stressed is actually desserts spelled backwards,,, How fucking ironic is that, since its the complete opposite of one another rite.... Desserts taste good(although they are bloody sweet at times), stress is never good. Stress fucking makes you unhappy,emotional and freaking angry. That is what stress does, and the fucking worst time to have stress is during your exams.I can not sleep very well at night. During the day, I try not to think of the exams and its results. More interestingly, I always try not to think of the results and just enjoy what I am doing. However, I still fucking have stress!!!!!
During exams its not a choice, but stress itself makes way to you. It doesn't matter how good or how smart you are, stress never leaves one alone. Why am i saying this, I'm fucking bloody having 3 fucking papers starting from tomorrow. God help me, and stress can you please let me just take my rest????
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