ah Man U lost, yeah yeah i now all you guys are happy now......
there probably should be a public holiday since Man U lost and everybody apart from Utd fans are really happy....
nevertheless for me, Barcelona played really well and in the end of the day they were the deserving winners.
The match wasn't the best of matches between both teams, it certainly could have been much better. I was puzzled by Ferguson's selection of the starting 11. For me Giggs was just too old to even deserve a place in the starting 11. With all respect to one of the most decorated players in Utd's histrory, i thought he really didn't do much....but the same could also be said about Carrick who for me was probably the worst player on field and should have been taken out
And how can i forget Puyol....haha...that guy was hilarious. Puyol basically was mocking Ronaldo and beating him in his very own game of diving.....he was really funny..... Ronaldo played well, i think that cements his place as the world's best player. Although Messi scored and had a few good touches, Ronaldo really did outclass him .
Anyway football is over for the year....and hopefully there will be much better competition in the premier league next season and Ronaldo stays ....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Welcome to N.K
its a stalin state, a dictator rules there, he does what he wants and the people are afraid of him
welcome to North Korea....... a pariah state in the eyes of the world
we have all heard about North Korea, from a deadly famine which struck the country in the early 90's to the even more deadly and dangerous nuclear test.....this state has done it all
North Korea is ruled by a dictator, its people are afraid of him, they call him the "great leader"
his barely 5 foot tall and his name is Kim Jong Il , he stands in the crowd with his small gooky little figure and his spectacularly ugly looking face....but his still and always will be their great leader
he has just conducted another nuclear test, and the best about him and his country is that his crazy and we dont know what his capable of........
one thing is for sure he hates the Americans ( which he blames for the death of millions of koreans during the korean war), he hates his neighbour to the south because they are rich, and he hates the japanese
his a crazy ass person and thats for sure, it takes a lot of guts for a country where its people barely have one meal per day to conduct and have nuclear test, Malaysia dont even have nuclear technology
but its a shame actually, a shame that his citizens have to suffer from his idiotic, stupid and short sighted thinking
i just hope that north koreans will have a better future ahead, since his most probable going to die soon ( already had a heart attack last year )
you people must be wondering why am i writing this?????, see im writing this because i have just finish reading the papers and heard bout the latest nuclear test and i feel for the poeple of north korea and what they must be going through.... they do not respect him, they are scared of him, and its a shame that this is still happening and will probably continue happening in many more years, i remember during the 90's when they had that deadly famine going on and how the whole world was trying to help them out, and even after all that taking place they have failed to learn from it
i feel sorry, sorry for its people that they have such a leader....i hope they will be free from this tyranny and open their arms and hearts to the people of the world
welcome to North Korea....... a pariah state in the eyes of the world
we have all heard about North Korea, from a deadly famine which struck the country in the early 90's to the even more deadly and dangerous nuclear test.....this state has done it all
North Korea is ruled by a dictator, its people are afraid of him, they call him the "great leader"
his barely 5 foot tall and his name is Kim Jong Il , he stands in the crowd with his small gooky little figure and his spectacularly ugly looking face....but his still and always will be their great leader
he has just conducted another nuclear test, and the best about him and his country is that his crazy and we dont know what his capable of........
one thing is for sure he hates the Americans ( which he blames for the death of millions of koreans during the korean war), he hates his neighbour to the south because they are rich, and he hates the japanese
his a crazy ass person and thats for sure, it takes a lot of guts for a country where its people barely have one meal per day to conduct and have nuclear test, Malaysia dont even have nuclear technology
but its a shame actually, a shame that his citizens have to suffer from his idiotic, stupid and short sighted thinking
i just hope that north koreans will have a better future ahead, since his most probable going to die soon ( already had a heart attack last year )
you people must be wondering why am i writing this?????, see im writing this because i have just finish reading the papers and heard bout the latest nuclear test and i feel for the poeple of north korea and what they must be going through.... they do not respect him, they are scared of him, and its a shame that this is still happening and will probably continue happening in many more years, i remember during the 90's when they had that deadly famine going on and how the whole world was trying to help them out, and even after all that taking place they have failed to learn from it
i feel sorry, sorry for its people that they have such a leader....i hope they will be free from this tyranny and open their arms and hearts to the people of the world
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Finish with exams
finally its done and over, I have finished my exams,
i feel so relief, im free and i have nothing to think about,
i can get my 8 hours sleep again ( after more than a week ),
the truth is that the exams were really hard, in particular was Auditing. Man that was really bad, it was brutal to be exact and i wish and pray that i get through it
others were not that bad but it could have been certainly much better.....
anyway my holidays is starting just at the right moment, the big match is coming this thursday morning
its sure gonna be a good game, and im thankfull and happy that my exams have finished much earlier this time than it had during last year
remember watching Chelsea against Man Utd while studying for FAR....(fucking stupid exam schedule)
but that's all dead and gone, and i have all the time in the world to enjoy the game and hopefully with fingers crossed, at the end of the day it will be Man Utd with the trophy in their hands again
for footballing fans there couldn't have been a better final
truth to be told, both teams deserve to be in the final, sorry to Arsenal and Chelsea you were just not good enough ( hahahaha)
so come thursday morning, 2 of the biggest teams will face off against each other, 22 players on the field and many more cheering them through out the world
its the ultimate battle and there can be only one winner and hopefully it will be the team in red..........
i feel so relief, im free and i have nothing to think about,
i can get my 8 hours sleep again ( after more than a week ),
the truth is that the exams were really hard, in particular was Auditing. Man that was really bad, it was brutal to be exact and i wish and pray that i get through it
others were not that bad but it could have been certainly much better.....
anyway my holidays is starting just at the right moment, the big match is coming this thursday morning
its sure gonna be a good game, and im thankfull and happy that my exams have finished much earlier this time than it had during last year
remember watching Chelsea against Man Utd while studying for FAR....(fucking stupid exam schedule)
but that's all dead and gone, and i have all the time in the world to enjoy the game and hopefully with fingers crossed, at the end of the day it will be Man Utd with the trophy in their hands again
for footballing fans there couldn't have been a better final
truth to be told, both teams deserve to be in the final, sorry to Arsenal and Chelsea you were just not good enough ( hahahaha)
so come thursday morning, 2 of the biggest teams will face off against each other, 22 players on the field and many more cheering them through out the world
its the ultimate battle and there can be only one winner and hopefully it will be the team in red..........
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memories hunting me down
so i was walking down the street, a hot hot day... and there u were, didnt expect to see you after so many years MIA....where did you go? things and memories came back down to me
it struck me like a lightening, shocked i was, but i tried to hide my face. Didnt have the courage to face you after all the silly things that i have done. Wondering if your still mad at me. I started walking slower and slower hoping you would never turn around
and then you did, my heart drop to be honest.....i was starstruck, starstruck with your beauty........the very same face that i would see everysingle day few years back and im seeing it after so many years....... i wonder where have you been
things ended between us as soon as it started
i know that i was wrong, but if your reading this.....then i would like to say im really really sorry......
Im happy that you are happy, and hope you do so in many more years
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Lonely Soldier
in the early hours of this lonely morning, a taught came into my mind. How lucky I am, how lucky i am in Malaysia. There are places in the world where people are even afraid of going to bed, afraid that tomorrow never comes. Places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, all this places, had seen their fare share of deaths and suffering. Talk about food this people don't even have clean water to drink.
But here i am in Malaysia, this is my home and I'm safe here. Safe from the pounding and scary sound of bullets and bombs, safe from the terrorist that had terrorise other countries. But who, who keeps me safe ????? the answer is simple, you done need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, its the soldiers.... Ya its the soldiers, its because of this men and women that put the country ahead of anything else that I'm able to sleep peacefully at night. Their courage is remarkable... i wish i had fraction of that
Its this people, the lonely man and women at our borders, our brothers and sisters who stands tall in the open blue waters, holding up their riffle and putting their life on the line just for..... you and me. I salute them and i wish they had more recognition. We are safe now because they are keeping us safe, we are asleep now because they are awake, we are living now because they are breathing.....
to the soldiers, I say thank you....
But here i am in Malaysia, this is my home and I'm safe here. Safe from the pounding and scary sound of bullets and bombs, safe from the terrorist that had terrorise other countries. But who, who keeps me safe ????? the answer is simple, you done need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, its the soldiers.... Ya its the soldiers, its because of this men and women that put the country ahead of anything else that I'm able to sleep peacefully at night. Their courage is remarkable... i wish i had fraction of that
Its this people, the lonely man and women at our borders, our brothers and sisters who stands tall in the open blue waters, holding up their riffle and putting their life on the line just for..... you and me. I salute them and i wish they had more recognition. We are safe now because they are keeping us safe, we are asleep now because they are awake, we are living now because they are breathing.....
to the soldiers, I say thank you....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
OK, my exams are coming up in a week. And guess what, im lost and confused in sea of numbers, theories and section this n that. There is just too much to study and i have too little time. Im seriously getting nervous and feeling the effects of stress right now. Something like this.....

To add to misery, the fucking bookshop didnt photostat chapter 14 of my corporate finance. Fucking stupid, somemore dah lah mahal. Am i getting too worried, I dont know, I hope not. There is only one hope left for me and that is to study. So books, notes and tutorials here i come to spoil your party.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Last Saturday i witness the cruelty and immorality of the human race. Witnessing such an act taking place right in-front of me brought me back to my senses that we are not that kind to be called mankind. How can we be so fucking stupid, cruel and an idiot at the same time. The story goes like this, just a few days before i was reading about the whole issue of stray dogs being abandoned on Pulau Selat Kering and Pulau Tengah.
It didn't come as a shock and nor did it surprise me, reading about animal cruelty in Malaysia is nothing new. It is the truth that we Malaysians need to understand, realize and educate ourselves better on how to treat and care for this beautiful animal. ( The link http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/5/6/nation/3843068&sec=nation ) . True enough it was a sad sad situation. No animal, Big or Small, Ugly or Beautiful, Smart or Stupid deserve to be treated that way. I have great respect to the volunteers who has helped out in the mission to rescue those endangered dogs.
As an animal lover or a dog lover to be more specific, i was horrified and sad to read the news. I didn't realize that i was gona face the same situation come Saturday. And so I did. Woke up at 1, had a good lunch and started watching a stupid hindi movie. As we all know, the weather lately hasn't been very kind on us. It is tantalisingly hot. Unbearable to make it better. I wonder when izit going to rain again, fingers crossed i hope it does soon. A freaking hot day, a stupid hindi movie = sleep. Ya that was exactly what i was gona do until my phone rang. Balraj called in, telling me there is German Shepherd infront of his house, and called me over. So i quickly got my pants on and rushed away to see it.
I was totally amazed to see a huge and handsome looking dog. I wondered which idiot would just leave such a beautiful dog. When i got closer to the dog, i saw tales of misery and injuries on his body. To make matters worse he had injuries and infection even on his buttocks. Horrified and clueless, we decided to call SPCA for help. SPCA which is in ampang plays a huge role and is a leader in campaigning against animal cruelty and rescuing dogs throughout Malaysia. While the van was on its way, we decided to feed the dog with some food, milk and water. The dog was really hungry and it was very skinny.
By the looks of it, it probably has not eating in a day or two. We offered him more food, but he didnt eat it. Waited until 6 and finally the van arrived, Mr Ramesh was on hand to great us. He then told us that the dog will be put to sleep, a more diplomatic way to say that it was going to die. We basically knew it from the very beggining when we called SPCA. Many wouldnt have done what we did, some would have called it cruel. But say and speak all you want, it was the right thing to do and it was the best solution. It was better to take the dog out of its misery than to let it suffer more.
So at 7 in the evening the dog was taken away. We felt sad but at the same time we know we did all we could. To the owner, which we will probably never know I have a few nice little words to say. Fucking asshole, you fucking piece of shit, i wish the exact same thing happens to you when your old. Dont ever try to justify your act, you are fucking cruel and even you know it. They say that a dog is man's best friend but a man is not the dog's best friend. Guess thats true for this case. And yeah we managed to name the dog, GABRU, yeah another punjabi name for a dog. Haha. It does sound cool doesnt it. Nway R.I.P Gabru.

It didn't come as a shock and nor did it surprise me, reading about animal cruelty in Malaysia is nothing new. It is the truth that we Malaysians need to understand, realize and educate ourselves better on how to treat and care for this beautiful animal. ( The link http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/5/6/nation/3843068&sec=nation ) . True enough it was a sad sad situation. No animal, Big or Small, Ugly or Beautiful, Smart or Stupid deserve to be treated that way. I have great respect to the volunteers who has helped out in the mission to rescue those endangered dogs.
As an animal lover or a dog lover to be more specific, i was horrified and sad to read the news. I didn't realize that i was gona face the same situation come Saturday. And so I did. Woke up at 1, had a good lunch and started watching a stupid hindi movie. As we all know, the weather lately hasn't been very kind on us. It is tantalisingly hot. Unbearable to make it better. I wonder when izit going to rain again, fingers crossed i hope it does soon. A freaking hot day, a stupid hindi movie = sleep. Ya that was exactly what i was gona do until my phone rang. Balraj called in, telling me there is German Shepherd infront of his house, and called me over. So i quickly got my pants on and rushed away to see it.
I was totally amazed to see a huge and handsome looking dog. I wondered which idiot would just leave such a beautiful dog. When i got closer to the dog, i saw tales of misery and injuries on his body. To make matters worse he had injuries and infection even on his buttocks. Horrified and clueless, we decided to call SPCA for help. SPCA which is in ampang plays a huge role and is a leader in campaigning against animal cruelty and rescuing dogs throughout Malaysia. While the van was on its way, we decided to feed the dog with some food, milk and water. The dog was really hungry and it was very skinny.
By the looks of it, it probably has not eating in a day or two. We offered him more food, but he didnt eat it. Waited until 6 and finally the van arrived, Mr Ramesh was on hand to great us. He then told us that the dog will be put to sleep, a more diplomatic way to say that it was going to die. We basically knew it from the very beggining when we called SPCA. Many wouldnt have done what we did, some would have called it cruel. But say and speak all you want, it was the right thing to do and it was the best solution. It was better to take the dog out of its misery than to let it suffer more.
So at 7 in the evening the dog was taken away. We felt sad but at the same time we know we did all we could. To the owner, which we will probably never know I have a few nice little words to say. Fucking asshole, you fucking piece of shit, i wish the exact same thing happens to you when your old. Dont ever try to justify your act, you are fucking cruel and even you know it. They say that a dog is man's best friend but a man is not the dog's best friend. Guess thats true for this case. And yeah we managed to name the dog, GABRU, yeah another punjabi name for a dog. Haha. It does sound cool doesnt it. Nway R.I.P Gabru.
Friday, May 8, 2009
something about me
something bout me ?
Finally I'm here. I have arrived into the world of blogging. Like a baby who's learning to walk, I'm trying to crawl into this world, mistakes are meant to be made but i hope i learn from it and understand this whole new world of blogging. I'm really sorry if any of the post that i would publish has in any way hurt anyone, although don't really care n I'm dead serious bout it. So i don't really give a shit if u get hurt. Ill talk bout everything and anything.
Finally I'm here. I have arrived into the world of blogging. Like a baby who's learning to walk, I'm trying to crawl into this world, mistakes are meant to be made but i hope i learn from it and understand this whole new world of blogging. I'm really sorry if any of the post that i would publish has in any way hurt anyone, although don't really care n I'm dead serious bout it. So i don't really give a shit if u get hurt. Ill talk bout everything and anything.
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